About Ruskeala marble mine
Marble mine Ruskeala is a remarkable natural and artificial sight simultaneously. It is filled with pure ground water of emerald green color. The mine is of 460 meters length and up to 100 meters width. Its height from deepest pit to the topmost point is over 150 meters. The water clarity reaches 18 meters.
The mine was formed as result of marble excavation. The mining rock was initially utilized for burning the lime. And only since Ekaterina the Second governing it was appreciated as high quality decorative stone. The ruskeala marble was applied for decorating many famous buildings in Saint Petersburg, such as Isaac Cathedral, Kazan Cathedral, Marble Palace and Michael Castle. It was also utilized for lining some subway stations in Saint Petersburg.
Marble was mined in open pits and adits. At the present there are three quarries, situated along the left bank of Tohmajoki River. Pits are connected with galleries and partially flooded. So they are turned out to be reservoirs surrounded by steep marble cliffs. The water has fantastic emerald green color ineffable by photo.